Robert William Gary Moore (4 April 1952 - 6 Februari 2011), yang dikenal hanya sebagai Gary Moore, adalah musisi terbaik yang diakui sebagai rock blues gitaris dan penyanyi dari Belfast , Irlandia Utara.
In a career dating back to the 1960s, Moore played with artists including Phil Lynott and Brian Downey as early as his secondary school days, leading him to membership with the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy on three separate occasions. Dalam karir dating kembali ke tahun 1960-an, Moore bermain dengan seniman termasuk Phil Lynott dan Brian Downey sedini sekolah menengah hari-harinya, memimpin dia untuk keanggotaan dengan Irlandia rock band Thin Lizzy pada tiga kesempatan terpisah. Moore shared the stage with such blues and rock luminaries as BB King , Albert King , Colosseum II , Greg Lake and Skid Row (not to be confused with the glam metal band of the same name), as well as having a successful solo career. Moore berbagi panggung dengan blues dan tokoh-tokoh seperti batu sebagai BB King , Albert King , Colosseum II , Greg Lake dan Skid Row (jangan bingung dengan band glam metal dari nama yang sama), serta memiliki karier solo yang sukses. He guested on a number of albums recorded by high profile musicians, including a cameo appearance playing the lead guitar solo on " She's My Baby " from Traveling Wilburys Vol. Dia guested pada sejumlah album direkam oleh musisi profil tinggi, termasuk penampilan cameo bermain gitar solo pada " Dia's My Baby "dari Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3 . 3 .
Moore meninggal pada 6 Februari 2011 saat berlibur di Estepona , Spanyol
Skid Row
In 1969, aged 16, Moore moved to Dublin to join the group Skid Row with Noel Bridgeman and Brendan "Brush" Shiels . Pada tahun 1969, usia 16, Moore pindah ke Dublin untuk bergabung dengan grup Skid Row dengan Bridgeman Noel dan Brendan "Brush" Shiels . It was with this group that Moore earned a reputation in the music industry , and his association with Phil Lynott began. Itu dengan kelompok ini bahwa Moore memperoleh reputasi dalam industri musik , dan hubungannya dengan Phil Lynott mulai.
Studio albums
* Grinding Stone (1973)
* Back on the Streets (1979)
* G-Force (1980)
* Gary Moore (1982)
* Corridors of Power (1982)
* Victims of the Future (1984)
* Dirty Fingers (1984)
* Run for Cover (1985)
* Wild Frontier (1987)
* After the War (1989)
* Still Got the Blues (1990)
* After Hours (1992)
* Blues for Greeny (1995)
* Dark Days in Paradise (1997)
* A Different Beat (1999)
* Back to the Blues (2001)
* Power of the Blues (2004)
* Old New Ballads Blues (2006)
* Close As You Get (2007)
* Bad for You Baby (2008)
Live albums
* Live at the Marquee (1983)
* We Want Moore! (1984)
* Rockin' Every Night - Live in Japan (1986)
* We Want Moore Jagger - Live at the British National Music Day, 28 June, 1992 - Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK
* Blues Alive (1993)
* Live At Monsters Of Rock (2003)
* Live At Montreux DVD [The Definitive Montreux Collection] (2007)